I attended the first NatCo of the year 2010-2011 in a castle all the way in the other end of the Netherlands.
After an exhausting train ride that started at 6.15am I finally arrived with the rest of the Rotterdam AIESECers in Venlo. Two amazing days of trainings and motivational talks (and not to forget an awesome party!!). We were given a very inspirational talk by Marcus Orlovsky, a British entepreneur also an AIESEC alumni. His mission is to improve the world of education in order to create better learning environments where young people can achieve their goals. He told us that we shouldn't listen to what other people tell us and do what we think is best according to ourselves. It was amazing, and everyone was very enthusiastic. After his speech all the members present held a brainstorm session to help set out our new goals that should be achieved by 2015. NatCo was an amazing experience, and I can't wait for NatCo II in January!
During the conference I managed to interview the vice president of Rotterdam's Local Committee (a.k.a. the LCVP).